01-12 awesome human object interaction
01-04 美化 org-mode


12-30 emacs hack helpful-mode
12-20 Decaug: augmenting HOI detection via decomposition
12-18 org 整理 paper_index
12-18 elfeed 标记光标之前的 entry 全为已读
12-11 定时同步 org 文件夹
12-11 crontab
11-29 emacs 的文献管理
11-28 cones
10-18 awesome action recognition
09-20 pytorch ddp
09-19 python classmethod 和 staticmethod
09-07 Towards compositional action recognition with spatio-temporal graph neural network
09-07 hugo 博客文件缺失
09-06 emacs 在 org-mode 中补全符号
08-27 pytorch geometric
08-27 GraphSAGE
08-27 elfeed
08-23 Beta-Binomial共轭
08-19 Evidential deep learning for open set action recognition
08-19 Evidential deep learning
08-02 PPDM: parallel point detection and matching for real-time human-object interaction detection
07-15 End-to-end object detection with transformers
07-09 Adaptive interaction modeling via graph operations search
07-04 Bipartite graph network with adaptive message passing for unbiased scene graph generation
07-01 Representing videos as discriminative sub-graphs for action recognition
05-27 图的匹配
05-19 Detecting Unseen Visual Relations Using Analogies
05-18 Learning to detect human-object interactions with knowledge
05-10 emacs counsel-find-file 快速输入目标路径
05-06 pandoc
04-27 orgmode capture for project
04-10 目录下 org 文件自动导出成 hugo md 文件
04-09 混合高斯分布
04-09 ubuntu 安装 iosevka 字体
04-09 ffmpeg
04-09 EM算法
02-17 配置 emacs-rime
02-11 hugo&org-mode&ox-hugo 的博客工作流
02-11 hugo 博客搭建


01-01 Detecting human-object interactions via functional generalization